Thursday, February 28, 2013

Children's Musical

Friday evening - setting up at the community center - first, we needed to build up a scaffold to hang the black plastic to cover the window front to darken the room

Setting up the chairs

Are these chairs perfectly lined up?

Ongoing saga of scaffold construction

Must be perfect!

Oops!  The heavy-gauge plastic is white instead of black!

Calling the supplier and getting the okay for an exchange

Returning the goods

Long live duct tape!

Pizza for the weary workers

Saturday - setting up the lighting and sound equipment

Church rooms prepared to serve lunch

Dessert as they departed to the bus headed for the festival hall

Serving cake and beverages in the foyer of the performance hall

Our fearless leader welcoming the guests

Caren, in the black sweatshirt - one of our own

A time machine-like invention that took us back to the day of Jesus and Bartimaeus

The blind beggar

Caren, with a short solo

The boy in black is Jesus

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