Monday, November 14, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, THOMAS!!! Our favorite 32 year old child!

The 1,000th baby to be born in 1979 in that Stuttgart hospital - earned us a huge flower bouquet and special congratulations

Welcome home, little brother!

Okay, so maybe my DNA doesn't include the "standing-in-my-dad's-hand-agility", but sitting is good!

First haircut - happened at Grammy and Grampy's during my first time to the USA

Learning all about those American sports

Osh Kosh b'Gosh forever

So happy for a little brother . . . I think!?

A trip to the zoo

Fun with Freya - no jumping on the beds!

One of many pictures of the inseparable brothers

Fashion forward?

Always helpful

I love Legos!

Is that a flannel shirt?

First day of first grade (flannel forever)!
Thomas and his Kreuel oboe

And then there were 3 brothers!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November - Falling Leaves and Thanksgiving

After the nuts, now come the leaves!

Working hard. . .

. . . or hardly working?

Oreo cookie crust for the peanut butter pie

Pumpkin pie

Apple pie

Steffi's first attempts at pie-making were super successes!

The peanut butter/whipped cream/cream cheese filling


Sweet potatoes with pecans

Now, how did we do the turkey the last time???

Improvised roasting rack (those are cookie cutters)

Following a strict schedule, Steffi faithfully basted the turkey with melted butter.

Nadine created the napkin decorations and made name cards.

Cooking the potatoes for mashed potatoes

Lookin' good!

Green bean casserole

The gang's all here. . .

Plus - Steffi and Lukas and Micha at the "VIP" table

Steffi's delicious creations!

This is the peanut butter pie - tasted like a Snickers candy bar - but better!