Monday, July 13, 2009

On the Road Again

In November '08 it was time for me (John) to hit the road (sky) again, taking this Ryanair flight from Stuttgart to Dublin for some enriching meetings with good friends, members of our GBIM Europe team.

I think I have a new favorite country and a new favorite city!

Taking in some of the delightful sights as we passed through the heart of the city on our way to our meeting place.

I would love to have taken a tour of the canal system in the area.

The street where our teammates Roy and Holly Angle live.

An Irish neighborhood just as I would have pictured it.

We spent some very rewarding days learning from and challenging one another regarding effective ways to teach God's word in the skeptical and sometimes harsh European cultural climate.

Although the discussions were stimulating, we also found ample time for relaxed fellowship and sharing around meals and coffee.

After a brief stopover in Aalen it was off to Dijon, France for a few days talking through strategic planning for our GBIM Europe team.

It was my first visit to our Grace Brethren Church in this beautiful French city famous (among other things) for its spicy mustard.

Once again we spent quite a bit of time in meetings . . .

. . . but we did have some time to take in some of the sights around town.

We came upon this scene as this French couple was just leaving the church after their wedding ceremony.

And what would a trip to France be without encountering some sort of strike or protest!

Just before heading back to Aalen I enjoyed a Sunday morning church service with the Dijon church where I had the joy of delivering the message for that day. The Klawitter family provided the music that day as well.

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