Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Filling the House for Christmas and New Year Traditions

Beginning on the first advent Sunday the "traditional" Christmas decorations start to appear.

A mini-nativity scene for the window sill.

With a rosy-cheeked baby Jesus.

The expert light-"untangeler" at work doing the "traditional" tree decoration.

It was a joy to have the Varner four (gathered for a "traditional" picture in front of the decorated Christmas tree) visiting for the holidays!

Now, what could be in this box?????

Before they came, Max was wondering if we had any John Deere toys! With a little help from our local toy store we were able to accommodate.

To the delight of all.

Henry savoring a moment when he had the tractor all to himself.

Other toys of a more "traditional" nature also proved attractive.

Indeed, even a shiny coffee pot could be entertaining with a bit of imagination.

And of course there was no lack of musical interludes.

Henry continuing the "tradition" his mother helped begin with her untold number of hours at this very same piano.

We all felt a little sorry for Steve who had to finish marking papers and posting grades for the business class he had taught at Grace College during the fall semester.

Henry helping his dad prepare for his part in the "traditional" Christmas Eve service at church.

The "traditional" December 22nd birthday celebration.

Who would plan their birthday just before Christmas?!?

Notice the "traditional" NON-CHRISTMAS wrapping paper.

The "traditional" birthday and Christmas present: Esprit socks.

Receiving a "traditional" birthday hug from her honey.

The "traditional" Christmas Eve Greek/American spread after the church service and just before opening our gifts.

Some unusual non-"traditional" ways to fill the time between holiday celebrations.

Steve putting his expert mechanical abilities to work helping Gerson resurrect his 35 year old Landrover.

Multiplied thousands of walnuts were shelled and bagged - the harvest of the past several years from the tree in front of our house.

Quite possibly a world-wide first: An international Settlers game via skype - two players in Aalen, Germany and two in Greensboro, NC, USA!

The healthy ingredients of the "traditional" New Year's Eve midnight snack: pretzels,

banana pieces,

canned cherries,

mandarin oranges,

pineapple chunks,

fresh kiwi fruit and . . .

. . . the main ingredient, complements of Ritter Sport - only the best for this "traditional" favorite!

Nobody had to be asked twice to "dig in."

A great "traditional" way to end the old year and begin the new.

A momentary feeding frenzy until the reality sets in - chocolate can be very filling!

To work off the excess, our "traditional" New Year's walk.

Seeing how fast we can freeze the little kids.

Encountering endangered species along the way.

Giving the horses some excitement on the way back home.

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