Friday, April 3, 2015

Back to the Roots - Crete 4 of 4 Posts (click on picture for enlargement)

Local shopkeeper, Irene, who has become
a good friend of Kitty's.  In the back of
her shop stands a loom that belonged
to her grandmother on which she produces
many of the items she sells in her shop

Heading over the cliffs towards a plateau 
surrounded by higher mountains

The white speck in the center of the
picture is a goat scrambling up and
down the sheer face of this cliff! 
We were sure he was going to fall
to his death.

View towards the sea from higher up 
on the mountain above Kritsa

Scenes from around Agios Nikolaos, port
city located below Kritsa

Roof of Kitty's house with her solar
hot water system

View from the roof

Washing off the Sahara dust

Youth hostel in the city of Rethymno, where
we spent our last night before leaving from
Chania on the next morning

Enjoying a stroll through Rethymno

We spent a few hours with the family of
Grampy's cousin's daughter in Rehtymno

Pre-celebrating Tom's 62nd birthday on the 
evening before our departure

Enjoyed "traditional" Überraschungseier
(Kinder Surprise Eggs)

A few scenes from our morning jog through the 
streets of Thessaloniki before heading to Crete

Scenes from one of our morning jogs up
the mountain to Kroustas

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