Securing the car in Thessaloniki!
Mothballs and pointed sticks - effective CAT PROTECTION!
The quilt shop below Tom's apartment in Thessaloniki
Quality German quilting threads from Gütermann
Any cat would think twice
before doing his business in this plot!
Roasted nuts on the streets of Thessaloniki
Preparing for Greek national holiday celebration
at an ancient church in Thessaloniki
Ancient catacombs below a chapel in Thessaloniki
where quite possibly the Thessalonian church
met for worship
Jesus lovingly holding the head of
John the Baptist
Ancient baptismal tank
French style Greek café in Thessaloniki
Enjoying breakfast before heading to the airport
for the flight to Crete
Greek version of the mighty village Oak
or Dorflinde - a magnificent sycamore tree
Leaving rain-soaked Thessaloniki
Tree in the middle of the road in the village
of Armeni, where Grampy's cousin lived
Enjoying a welcoming fire in Kitty's kitchen
on our first evening in Kritsa, Crete.
Kitty's very own orange tree with the last of
last season's production
Enjoying breakfast before getting to work on
our first day in Kritsa
1 comment:
Amazing update. Thanks for spending the time to share all those pictures from your trip.
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