Saturday, September 7, 2013

Memories of Marion Part 4 of 4

Erika trying the game - coin on her forehead to drop in a bucket

Kids acting out the story

Refreshment time

John sharing an object lesson with Lifesavers

While the women met with the German ladies' Bible study on Friday night, the men headed into town where an international festival was in progress

Very special sharing time among the ladies

Final day - Manning the puppets

Pressing the T-shirts

Preparing the picture to be painted

Wilfried was one of our cooks

Sizing up

We also had some word and picture puzzles

Zacchaeus' story once more - with puppets

Hard to believe - but time to say good-bye!  THANKS to an amazing, unique team!!


ERIKA said...

Awww.... Those pictures bring back lots of great memories. Thanks for posting!

Unknown said...

We had a wonderful time in Aalen! Blessings to the church and to you all. We hope your trip will be safe over here and are excited to see you on the 21st!