Sunday, March 13, 2011

Zach's Photography Career Begins

This and that around the house

Max and Henry, there are still some "blow-up" creatures in the surprise eggs!

Lots of interesting "objects" at the Grosses' apartment

Steffi, the master baker

Self-portrait (James Dean image??)

Garfield forever!

Mother's photos - of her diligent, studious son, preparing for a presentation in German class. Theme is "music in the romantic era"/parallels to German literature of that time

Research extended beyond Wikipedia


Elizabeth said...

Not sure where to start...hmm...I'll let Erika leave a clever comment, I'm speechless.

ERIKA said...

Haha! There's just too much to comment on.

1st - The birthday candle numbers seem to conflict with D&E's blog entrance on March 3rd. I'm confused...
2nd - way to start off with a nice food close-up - fresh fruit, nonetheless!! Very inspiring.
3rd - love Garfield!
4th - I like how you staged the "studious" pictures. Almost believable...