Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Basketball Camp - Day 7

Super church service!  With the team, Coach K. and Hobie involved.

At the end of the service John made his special presentation - the passing on of his basketball shorts.  For years his own children have teased him and groaned over his insistence on wearing these "vintage" shorts, but only when he got pressure from the team did he capitulate.

Very biblically - the decision will be determined by the cast of the die.

Sam's the lucky (?) one.

Coach K. surprises John with modern basketball shorts!

Adrian with kids from his host family

Sam immediately changed into his "new" shorts.

After the meal at church - the kids had caught the basketball fever.  Late afternoon, the team headed to Neuschwanstein castle and overnight, on to Black Forest Academy, and then finally to ministry in France.

Basketball Camp - Day 6

Returning from their outing to Dachau concentration camp

Wilfried was our cook!

Steffi and Dietmar joined us.

Open game and interaction evening

Basketball Camp - Day 5

Chance to relax at the hot springs pool

Someone thought the Germans were very honest in billing this restaurant as the "Bad" restaurant.  (Actually, "Bad" means pool.)

Döners at Ali Baba's

After the relaxing pool experience, jumbo Döners and cake some of the guys collapsed.

One of the host families from the basketball club - they had invited several over for coffee and cake (the host is an expert baker.)

Late afternoon - back in the gym

In the evening, we enjoyed time in the host families - Daniel and Nadine invited us to a grill party.