The 1,000th baby to be born in 1979 in that Stuttgart hospital - earned us a huge flower bouquet and special congratulations
Welcome home, little brother!
Okay, so maybe my DNA doesn't include the "standing-in-my-dad's-hand-agility", but sitting is good!
First haircut - happened at Grammy and Grampy's during my first time to the USA
Learning all about those American sports
Osh Kosh b'Gosh forever
So happy for a little brother . . . I think!?
A trip to the zoo
Fun with Freya - no jumping on the beds!
One of many pictures of the inseparable brothers
Fashion forward?
Always helpful
I love Legos!
Is that a flannel shirt?
First day of first grade (flannel forever)!
Thomas and his Kreuel oboe
And then there were 3 brothers!