First official visit to Steffi's and Dietmar's apartment
Delicious Mexican meal
Time for a chemistry lesson - it paid off,
Helen finished the year with an A
Zach's lucky "Rook" day - he was charmed
One of Steffi's cake creations
We've learned to be very willing guinea pigs
Picking up Daniel and Nadine
after their return from 3 weeks in the States
Dramatic transformation in front of the house
The sandbox is gone - but we're not sure whether we've replaced it
with a flower bed or a graveyard - that's what Becky calls it
A few flower boxes to spruce up the front
The raspberries in back have also been resurrected
We're sure all the neighbors are heaving a collective sigh of relief
Getting Helen ready for her big summer
The new sewing machine got a big-time workout -
and passed with flying colors
And one last "fix" at McDonalds before heading to the airport
Final good-byes at the passport control
And Zach couldn't wait to get back to his chemistry -
he even brought it along in the car